
Salon events are often small events that keeps a TEDx community engaged between regular TEDx events. It’s a unique kind of gathering that TEDx organizers hold which allows the conversation to continue, in person.
— TED website

2024 Salon: A Space to be Yourself with Dr. Lisa Harris

What reminds you to be uniquely you? We believe every person’s unique journey and ideas are instrumental in pioneering meaningful dialogues and accelerating societal progress. The theme "A Place to Be Yourself" aims to highlight the value we place on individuality and inclusivity. We hope to offer a platform where every participant feels comfortable to share their ideas, experiences and insights, without any fear of judgment. Dr. Harris spoke about the importance of listening to your own experiences and the positive effects of depolarizing social life when addressing complexities.

2023 Salon 2: Secrets to Success with Dr. Allison Bailey, Dr. Kevin Cokley, Dr. Brianna Mezuk and Joelle Randall

We recognize the feeling of pressure in college students to follow a set route to be successful. However, we believe hearing different perspectives and how professionals have applied certain techniques to get where they are today will help students see there are different paths to success. During the Secrets to Success Salon, we hosted a variety of speakers from various fields to share career and life advice they have learned. Dr. Bailey emphasized the benefits of being social in a professional setting and being comfortable with being uncomfortable. Dr. Cokley recognized the imposter syndrome most of us experience, as Dr. Mezuk Highlighted the importance of debate as a fundamental skill for success and making a difference in the world around us. Lastly, Joelle spoke about how the secret to success is within each of us and how we should all stay true to ourselves to realize our potential. Overall, the Salon emphasized how success looks from various professional lenses.

2023 Salon 1: Celebration of the Arts with Simon Kim, Dr. Charles Lwanga and Dr. Heather J. Vinson

We believe that art is essential in students’ lives. Not only is it a great creative outlet, but it also enhances cognitive skills and stimulates students’ imaginations. The Celebration of the Arts Salon hosted a variety of speakers whose work relates to the arts, including Simon Kim, Dr. Charles Lwanga, and Heather J. Vinson. Simon Kim shared about the intersection of social media and art. Dr. Vinson spoke on social media in the context of history and art. Finally, Dr. Lwanga recognized the benefits of music and its impact socially, politically, and economically. Overall, the Salon demonstrated how vast the arts is, and how art allows us to see life in a different perspective. Art has been an important part of human society, evolving through generations.


On November 18th, 2021, we hosted “Becoming”. This event featured a variety of professionals from the community speaking on where they are at in their careers now and the steps they took to get there, offering advice to aspiring college students. In the second half of the salon, the speakers answered questions from both the moderators and audience members about their inspiring journeys and important lessons they learned along the way.

Race in Sports: The Black Athletic Experience

On November 9th, 2020 we hosted “Race in Sports: The Black Athletic Experience” which was a live zoom panel, featuring Black athletes, academics, and administrators, all personally involved with different aspects of athletics at the University of Michigan. We heard from them on the responsibilities and freedoms of an athlete and the institutions that they represent, as well the economic, biological, psychological, and social components of the athletic experience, which may or may not be just as important as the games themselves.

Link to Michigan Daily Article about Salon

Link to Michigan Daily Article about Zoom format

Eating Your Way To A More Sustainable Future

On November 20, 2019, we help an open discussion on sustainable business practices in the agriculture industry. This event is focused on Eating Your Way to a More Sustainable Future: a discussion on food, facts, and the environment. This event will bring together industry experts from both the University and the Ann Arbor community to discuss food and its impact on the environment. Through panelists, broadcasted Ted Talks, and dialogue, we aim to cultivate conversation on the future of food and agriculture.

Living with Disability

On December 3rd, 2018, the International Day of People with Disabilities, we held a salon with a panel of 6 amazing UofM faculty, staff, and students who spoke about their experiences living with disabilities. Our audience had the chance to ask them questions and destroy the stigmas surrounding disability and its unknowns to bring light to a topic that is rarely discussed. We hope that they'll continue this conversation going forward!

The Psychology of Fear

On November 1st, 2018, we hosted a Salon, an intimate discussion on a specific topic, about the Psychology of Fear. Participants got to watch two TED talks and have in-depth discussions about what they fear, why they fear, and how it may be possible to overcome those fears.